Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah sutra 1.2

Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuation of consciousness-

i do not begin to profess that i have any great knowledge about this- below is a journal entry on ‘control’-

In some teachings the translation of this sutra is liked to ‘control’ of the mind. i often question this use of the word ‘control'(in the sense of how our language perceives it) or is it us who perceives the language?

Control comes from the root ‘contra’ ‘against’ Webster’s. To regulate, to exercise authority over, command. To curb, restrain, hold back- (could this be a form of resistance?)

A story of a gardener i once heard of- This gardener wanted only white flowers, he meticulously planted all the white flowers he could find. Seeing his work as the flowers began to bloom, he was happy to be successful. The third year, as his garden began to bloom, he noticed one of the white tulips with a glaring red stripe! How could this be! He had worked so hard to ‘control his environment’, and now this ‘flaw’ ! The question for me-is this really a flaw or an act of nature and it’s order of things. What we perceive as controlled and flawless- is it a natural state?

In our meditation, our asana practice do we work to have authority over- our state of existence- or do we allow /invite our natural state to show us a glimpse of what this sutra really means?

A translation of this sutra that I resonate with is by T.K.V. Desikachar (Krishnamacharya’s son and student of 30 years):

“Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively toward an object and sustain that direction without any distractions.” From ‘Health Healing and Beyond- Yoga and the Living Tradition of Krishnamacharya’ 1998 Aperture Foundation,  Inc.

Here are some links to other sources for the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali- many blessings to you in your studies!

Om Sri Jagatmata Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

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