Silence- a place of deep focus- too much for some…

A small group (75, maybe) walked, in solidarity with the Tibetan Monks on their journey from Dharamsala to Tibet, around Green Lake this evening with candle-light and chant.  A small gesture, really, considering the journey that is taking place that we can only begin to understand.  I came to the meeting place with the understanding that it would be a procession in silence.  Before we set out, we were encouraged to be in prayer or chant while we walked clockwise around the circumference of the Lake -just under 3 miles- the journey just over one hour.

It is difficult for some people to understand the power of focused silence.   It may come from a place of fear- the unknown, a place that goes deep within- seeking.  The procession was visually beautiful, but it lacked the effort, of some, to truly be present with the intention set forth by the Tibetan Monks that led us in prayer and procession.  Maybe I am too hard here in expressing my frustration -which i should say that it does not take away from the profound experience of being there- I got a sense, through observation, that some folks were not even trying to observe the silence.  I feel this is to show disrespect for the sentient beings we came to show solidarity with.
This writing is an observation of the human realm, an inquiry to why we continue to do the things we do,  without conscious knowledge.  We can really only find these answers within, if one is ready to go there- it is not an easy journey, but immensely beautiful!

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